I have been using my DK0701 with two external displays and Win10 on a Dell Laptop and everything worked fine.
Now I switched to an ASUS Zenbook 14S on Win11 and the displays are not being detected anymore. Is the scenario not compatible anymore? :(
Update: When I connect the screens directly to my laptop, everything works fine and the device manager shows a generic monitor driver (S24E370D).
My laptop has thunderbolt 4 interfaces, so video should be no problem - still my Mokin box seems to not pass the signal. What can I do, @MOKiN Global?
Hi Uli,
In order to better solve your problem, please assist us with the following information:
1) Please open the display settings of your laptop and provide pictures of the display that cannot be recognized;
2) Could you provide us with the overall connection diagram of the laptop, monitor and hub or detail video;
3) Please try to upgrade the graphics card driver.
Looking forward your reply!
Best regards
thank you for the swift reply.
ad 1) Here are the display settings if I connect one of the two screens DIRECTLY to my laptop. When I connect it through the hub only the laptop screen is shown.

Ad 2) I have two HDMI/HDMI cables connecting from the hub to both the external screens. I also have other USB-A and USB-C connections, all of which are working fine. I also tried disconnecting all cables except one HDMI connection to one of the external screens, but nothing helps.
This setup works perfectly with other laptops (including the external screens).
Ad 3) The graphics card driver is most current. Here are screenshots of my device manager:

Does that help?
Thank you in advance for your guidance!
Update: I found an graphic card driver update on the ASUS website and also installed a monitor driver from Samsung but this didn't change anything. 😟

@Uli D
Thanks the information you provide.
If you are not using the original cables that came with the MODK0701, please switch to the product's original cables. If you are already using them, try connecting one monitor to the dell computer and upgrade the driver using this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kKghP59avPfsi_jjD4CNiVmLv3wO2-3w/view?usp=sharing
If you have any questions, please contact us in time.
Best regards
Hi @MOKiN Global,
thank you for the advice.
I am using the original power cable and another high quality cable to connect the laptop (and it works fine on other, even older laptops).
Device Manager tells me that the most recent driver is installed. I tried running the "RCDTool" from the source mentioned above but that didn't help at all. Are there any specific installation instructions for the driver?
Hi @Uli D,
Open the link and download 👉 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kKghP59avPfsi_jjD4CNiVmLv3wO2-3w/view?usp=sharing
Find the upgrade driver steps document and follow the steps to upgrade. Please get in touch with us if you have any problems during the upgrade process.

Hi @MOKiN Global,
thank you for the advice and a happy new year! I did as requested and I get the following error message in the RCD Tool.

What does it mean and what else can I do?
Hi @Uli D,
Please try to upgrade the burning tool: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15mtYlaHqFlQcfhayTJXbZKEy47LK1SxZ/view?usp=sharing
Provide a complete video that includes the connection between the computer and the product, as well as the entire upgrade process.
Best regards
@MOKiN Global
When I try downloading the burning tool my system discards the download and reports a virus. Can you please provide a virus-free version?
Thank you very much in advance
Hi @MOKiN Global,
Download was successful now, although Windows still gives me a lot of warning messages when I run the program. However, I still get error messages:

I will now make a video and upload that too.
Here are the videos:
1. Connection to old laptop
2. Connection to new laptop
3. Upgrade process
Does that help?
@Uli D
Thanks for the video you provide.
You need to use your Dell laptop to upgrade the program . Please try again:
Note: The connection cable between DK0701 and the monitor must be HDMI-HDMI/DP-DP, not other cables such as HDMI-DP/USB-C-HDMI.
Steps: 1. Connect DK0701 to your Dell laptop, and then connect an HDMI monitor to DK0701; After the monitor displays correctly, use the upgrade program:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kKghP59avPfsi_jjD4CNiVmLv3wO2-3w/view?usp=sharing (Note: please follow the upgrade steps in the file)
2. If an error occurs during the upgrade process in step 1, please try to upgrade using this link: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0667/3353/9632/files/DK0701Burning_tool.zip?v=1735869953 (Note: Use Dell laptop to upgrade)
3. After the upgrade is complete, switch to an ASUS laptop for testing.
4. Open the display settings and see if the display settings can be recognized when connected to the ASUS laptop after the upgrade. (Please provide pictures)
5. If there is an abnormality, please provide EDID. Steps to obtain EDID: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0667/3353/9632/files/EDID_Steps.docx?v=1735970435
I do not have admin rights on my Dell laptop, but I will try to find another laptop on which I can run the firmware update. It also failed on an older Surface laptop of mine.
Hi @Uli D ,
We are sorry for all the inconvenience caused by this docking station.
1. Can you try to get Dell administrator privileges?
2. Does your old Surface laptop support video output? Please provide the specific model;(Provide a complete video that includes the connection between the older Surface laptop and the product, as well as the entire upgrade process.)
Looking forward to your reply.
Thanks for your understanding and patience.
Best regards
@MOKiN Global
I now got hold of a Dell laptop with admin rights.
1. I successfully upgraded the ISP Tool

2. I successfully upgraded the Burning Tool

3. I connected the upgraded box with my ASUS again, but same result as before 😑
Any more ideas?