What should I do if the power bank not charging?

  • Power banks are essential accessories for staying connected on the go. However, they can sometimes encounter issues. This guide provides troubleshooting tips and solutions for power bank problems.

    Issue: Power Bank Not Charging

    Symptoms: The power bank does not charge when plugged in.

    Possible Causes:

    1) Faulty charging cable or adapter.
    2) Dirty or damaged charging port.
    3) Internal battery issues.


    1)  Check the Charging Cable and Adapter:
    ●   Use a different charging cable and adapter to ensure they are working properly.

    2)  Clean the Charging Port:
    ●   Gently clean the charging port with a soft brush or compressed air to remove any dust or debris.

    3)  Ensure Proper Connection:
    ●   Make sure the charging cable is securely connected to both the power bank and the power source.

    4)  Inspect for Damage:
    ●  Check for any visible damage to the charging port or cable. If damaged, consider getting them replaced.

    5)  Reset the Power Bank:
    ●   Some power banks have a reset button. Press it to reset the power bank.

    If you’ve tried all of the above solutions and the problem persists, please contact Mokin Customer Support for further assistance. Make sure to briefly mention the tips you’ve already tried so that a solution can be provided faster.




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