MOKI Touch 3D Smartwatch Fitness Tracking Accuracy

  • Hell All,

    I am interested in getting the MOKI Touch 3D Smartwatch mainly for fitness tracking purposes but I want to reach out to see if anyone here has experience with the accuracy of its health related features. I am curious about how well it tracks steps, heart rate & sleep patterns compared to other fitness trackers or smartwatches you have used.

    Also; does it handle more intensive activities like running or cycling with accuracy?? I have seen mixed reviews online about the precision of certain smartwatches when it comes to detailed fitness data so I am hoping to hear from actual users before making my purchase.

    My last question is does the companion app provide useful insights and data visualization? 

    As well, I found these resources when doing research on this; &  if anyone have any resources, tutorials or personal experiences please share with me, It would be greatly appreciated!!

    Thank you……😄

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